Title I is a federally funded supplemental education program that supports districts in improving children's educational opportunities. Title I programs help children meet the state content and performance standards in reading and mathematics.
Susquehanna Community Elementary School uses Federal funds (Title 1) to provide interventions for all four-year-old kindergarteners through grade 6 who begin to experience difficulty. This is done through a school-wide model of targeted interventions called Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtII). Students qualify to receive this targeted intervention based on the results of state and local assessments, benchmark and diagnostic assessments, progress monitoring assessments, and classroom performance. Specialists work with small groups of students, providing research-based instruction.
Parents/guardians of any student receiving additional support will receive ongoing information regarding their child's progress through quarterly progress reports, parent/teacher conferences, and phone and email communications as needed. The parent can contact the Title 1 Coordinator, Mrs. Julie Gallo, with any questions or concerns. She can be reached at 570-853-4921 x1340.